We were lucky enough to see our school owlet, Wisey, at Blakesley Hall yesterday.
If you would like to visit him over the six weeks, you can find him in the meeting room.
4.1 and Wisey the owl. |
Class selfie! |
The open top bus drove us to the special event at Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery. |
Owl fun- of course! |
Busy creating more fabulous artwork. |
We were also treated to an owl display. Once the launch was officially declared, we were able to view the parliament of owls who will live at the BMAG for the next ten weeks. |
Super owl was a favourite of the year 5 children.. |
Kechia's favourite owl has a yellow moustache. |
Ruby and Lucie made friends with Adderley's owl. |
Noorulhuda admiring the artwork. |
Isabel liked the pasta eyes on St Benedict's owl. |
Shiven and Clementine the owl. |
Helena and Elsa the owl. |
Super owl, Lewis and Isabel to the rescue. Lucy's favourite design was the sunflower owl. |
A giant owl! |
Tweet twoo! |
Our new bus driver |
Mrs Allen, Isabel and Sabaa were a little wind swept. |
Ian and Shiven enjoying the view. |
The Big Hoot 2015 |
Mr Murphy even helped out tonight. |
Where do you think these poppies will be going? |
Kechia is busy mosaicing Wisey's eye. |
Sabba working on the feathers |
Lucy, Helena and Vincent painting metallic feathers. |
Helena |
Lewis colouring poppies. |
Isabel admiring the monkey. |
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Phoenix and his new friend, Harry. |
Harry saying hello to the children. |
Group photo. |
Lewis |
Isabel |
Kechia |
Vincent |
Megan |
Karys |
Ian |
Lucie |
Sabba |
Phoenix |
Helena |
Mr Murphy and his new best friend. |
Shiven |
The girls looking for bugs. |
Alishah found a bug on a beutiful daisy. |
Lewis and Phoenix |
Megan was the only child who managed to find a spider. |
Noorulhuda |
Bugs, bugs and more bugs |
Identifying the bugs |
Vincent |
Where are the elephants? |
We couldn't believe how tall the giraffes actually were. |
The baby elephant was very cute. The children were very excited when they eventually spotted some real owls. |
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Add caption Continuing in the wet and wild area, we came across the penguins. |
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